Pure Lead Institute, founded by Prophetess Kymar Garner, is dedicated to educational and leadership development. PLI provides coaching, training, and mentorship programs aimed at equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge essential for personal and ministry success.

Our inaugural mentorship program provides individuals with comprehensive teaching and training in worship and creative arts. Whether leading on the platform, in the meeting room, on the road, in rehearsal, or in your home, PLI is designed to help you master captaincy in every space. This discipleship-driven initiative is here to mantle the world’s next leading voices with purity and power.

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Meet your Mentor & Spiritual Midwife

Kymar Garner

I answered the call to serve in the realm of worship and creative arts two decades ago. In my initial years, I served solely as a worship leader, which back then, in my space, only meant leading a song at the onset of our Sunday morning service. Over time, a pursuit for greater intimacy with Jesus Christ propelled me into depths of biblical knowledge and understanding that has shaped my identity as the Lord’s worshiper and leader. 

It was during my itinerant ministry that I discovered the absence of purity amongst sought-out voices, worship groups, and systems in the kingdom. God gave me a burden to restore His standard of purity within the worship community. I’ve spent the last 12 years training, mentoring, birthing worshipers/worship teams, reforming systems, providing intervention care, and hosting safe worship spaces that foster surrender, learning, and activation. 

My effectiveness as a Leader stems from living a pure life. “Live Pure, Lead Pure” has become my life’s mantra. My heart desires to witness worshipers embrace God’s standard of purity, flourish in their call and responsibly build God-focused worship cultures across the world. I’d like to invite you on a journey of becoming; I’m ready to walk with you!

Who Can Benefit From PURE Lead Institute
  • Worship Leader (Active or Aspiring)
  • Worship Team Members
  • Worship Pastor
  • Minister Of Music
  • Worship Mentor/Advisor
  • Itinerant Worship Leader
  • Intercessor
  • Five-Fold Ministry Leaders
  • Creatives
  • Musicians

PURE Lead Will:

Hone your leadership skills on and off the platform

Help you identify and function in your five-fold ministry anointing(s) within the realm of worship and creative arts.

Equip you with language and tools to build a healthy, God-centered, thriving worship lifestyle and worship culture

Teach you how to integrate biblical principles and practices into your worship sets and worship communities

Activate you to aid your growth and development in prophetic worship

Enhance sensitivity to rightly steward worship spaces

Expand your capacity and creativity in worship

Bonus: Worship Leader Itinerant Ministry Guidance & Training Opportunities

PURE Lead Membership Includes:
  • Live Class twice A Month (45 min.) Every second and fourth Monday of each month at 8pm CST
  • Live Prayer Pop Ups
  • Access To All Teachings
  • Shadow Opportunities
  • Itinerant Ministry & Business Training
  • Live Interactive Discussions with Special Guests

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I receive a coaching session with Prophetess Kymar?

A. Prophetess Kymar is thrilled at the prospect of coaching with you. To initiate the process, kindly submit a request by clicking the link provided here. Rest assured; a member of our team will reach out to you within 48 hours of receiving your submission.

Will course replays be available? If so, how can I access them?

A. Yes, all active members will have access to archived courses in your membership portal.

Can you train my worship team?

A. Yes, Prophetess Kymar offers Worship Ministry Workshops that includes teaching, training, and activation. For more information, please submit a booking request here.

Where will live teachings be held?

A. Live teachings are held via Zoom. The Zoom login information will be uploaded to your membership portal.

Where will live teachings be held?

A. Live teachings are held via Zoom. The Zoom login information will be uploaded to your membership portal.

How long after the session will I have access to the teaching?

A. Teachings will be available for review within 48 hours.

What is the membership commitment?

A. At this time, we offer a monthly membership option.

How long does PURE Lead last?

A. We are dedicated to always providing you with the tools you need to become an effective leader in worship ministry. New content is released bi-weekly. You will have access to it, as long as you are an active member.

Can I cancel my membership?

A. It is our desire to keep each mentee an active participant in PURE Lead. If you would like to cancel your membership, please email our administrative team at [email protected] fifteen (15) days prior to your next payment due date. We will cancel your membership upon your request. No refund will be given for prior payments made.

What days do we meet for live teachings?

A. PURE Lead will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 8pm CST.

Do I have permission to share this information with others?

A. No. Only those subscribed to PURE Lead mentorship have rights to information released. We encourage you to invite those whom you feel can benefit from this mentorship.

Will there be a live customer service person to speak with if I have issues accessing teachings?

A. Yes. A member of our team will be available to assist you with any issues by emailing us at [email protected].

What if I have questions about my membership?

A. A member of our team is available to assist you. Please submit your questions to [email protected]. We will respond within 48 hours.